When we talk about oral health care experts, dentists and orthodontists are two such dental professionals that come across our mind. It is recommended to visit a dentist at least twice every year for regular checkups and examination of one's teeth and gums. However, quite often people use the two terms interchangeably. But, there is a difference.
In this blog, we have listed below the differences between the two dental healthcare fields i.e. dentistry and orthodontics. Have a look at the same to determine the dental expert that you need to visit.
Orthodontists vs Dentists:
A dentist is a trained and certified medical professional who helps in treating your oral health. This includes the health of your teeth, gums, nerves in the mouth, and tongue amongst others. A dentist's main job is to ensure good oral hygiene of the patient and promote healthy oral care.
One may visit a dentist either for preventative care or for the treatment of their oral problem. If you feel any discomfort or pain in your mouth, teeth, or gums, you would visit a dentist rather than an orthodontist.
Orthodontists are trained professionals with a specialty in jaw and tooth alignment. Misaligned teeth which are also known as malocclusion not only affect the overall appearance of an individual's teeth but can also lead to several dental concerns, if not treated. This includes severe pain, gum diseases, and even tooth decay. This is why it is essential to visit your orthodontist to treat teeth misalignment.
Along with this, they also help in treating bad bites, spaces between teeth, crooked teeth, and other dental concerns. Their primary role is to ensure that the jaw and teeth of their patients are aligned correctly, safeguarding them from any oral concerns that can be caused by the same.
One can visit an orthodontist for the installation of dental braces or other treatments used to correct jaw and teeth alignment. Right from children to adults, orthodontists usually offer treatments to all age groups, depending on their oral health requirements.
Orthodontists are required to attain additional specialized education and training.
Orthodontists vs Dentists, whom should you rather visit? Well, it totally depends on the type of dental treatment that you want to attain. Usually, if an individual experiences any discomfort in their mouth, it is advised to them to visit a general dentist. If required, the dentist can suggest or recommend you speak to or visit an orthodontist if the dental concern is caused due to misaligned teeth, a bad bite, or other related problems.
Even though visiting a dental professional is extremely important in order to treat your oral problem, it is always advisable to take preventative measures for your oral health by practicing good dental hygiene. This includes the regular usage of an electric brush and a water flosser®.
There are several types of modern oral care solutions that are available in the market today, which differ in terms of the water flosser® & electric toothbrush price, features, warranty period, and more.