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Tips for Preventing Recession During Dental Procedures

Sep 11, 2024

Tips for Preventing Recession During Dental Procedures, cordless water flosser, automatic toothbrush

Your gums are the toughest warriors holding your teeth firmly together in your mouth. They are of utmost importance and require constant and effective care. Gum recession is a serious condition where gum tissue wears away or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or its root, leading to increased sensitivity, higher risk of cavities, and tooth loss. Preventing gum recession during dental procedures is crucial.

This condition can be caused by poor oral hygiene, aggressive brushing, genetics, hormonal changes, and tobacco use. Certain dental procedures, such as scaling and root planing, orthodontic treatments, and restorative procedures, can increase the risk of gum recession if not performed carefully. Scaling and root planing, while essential for treating gum disease, can cause gum diseases if done too aggressively. Orthodontic devices like braces can lead to recession if they exert excessive pressure on the gums. Similarly, improperly placed crowns or fillings can irritate gums, leading to recession. 

A problem as serious as gum recession, requires the collaborative effort of the dentist as well as the patient. To prevent gum recession, dental professionals should employ gentle techniques, ensure proper training, customize care to each patient's anatomy, and utilize laser treatments where appropriate. However, patients need to be mindful and attentive to their dental health needs as well. Following are some tips for patients to prevent gum recession during dental procedures:

  1. Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is an absolute core value of this treatment. Brushing with a soft bristled automatic toothbrush and flossing with a cordless water flosser regularly will help your oral health a huge deal. Use gentle techniques while brushing and flossing so that it doesn’t damage gum tissues.

  2. Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to catch early signs of gum recession and maintain overall oral health.

  3. Refrain from smoking or chewing tobacco, as these can significantly harm gum health.

  4. Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that support gum health, such as Vitamin C and calcium.

  5. If you grind your teeth at night or suffer from awake or sleep bruxism, use a mouthguard to protect your gums from recession caused by excessive pressure.

Protect your gums and your healthy smile by following these simple tips. Your gums will thank you!