We all want our teeth to be clean and white, don't we? However, many times, plaque, which is a white and sticky film of bacteria, gets accumulated on the surface of teeth or below the gums. This can lead to various dental health concerns such as tooth decay and in extreme cases, even tooth loss.
Over time, if not treated, this plaque can harden into tartar. When tartar is formed around the gumline, it can lead to inflammation and bleeding of the gums. While it is easy to remove the coating of plaque with the regular use of an electric brush and cordless water flosser, it is quite difficult to get rid of the tartar build-up. Tartar is quite stubborn and cannot be removed with a toothbrush. So, what is the next step?
Visit your dental professional. Yes, that's right! The best way to get rid of tartar in the mouth is by visiting your dentist. Trying home remedies for tartar removal can be a bit tricky. You can end up damaging the enamel of the tooth and also hurt the area around the gums.
A process known as scaling is used by your dentist to ensure safe tartar removal. This is done by using either manual scaling tools or at times, ultrasonic devices. Thus, it is always the best approach to visit your dentist for the removal of tartar in the mouth and prevent the risk of various complicated oral care concerns in the later stage.
However, even though removing tartar at home is not advisable, one can implement various tips in their daily lifestyle to prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar in the first place.
1] Regular Brushing: Brush your teeth, twice every day using the best electric toothbrush with various advanced features such as a smart timer, multiple brushing modes, and more. The high sonic speed of this modern oral care solution is more effective in removing plaque than your traditional manual toothbrush. Moreover, they are gentler on teeth, avoiding tooth abrasion and gum bleeding.
2] Water Floss Daily: Even after brushing, one may find tiny food residues stuck amid the teeth & gum line. This is why it is extremely important to pair it up with a cordless water flosser. The ultra-fine jet of a dental flosser assures thorough clean-up of the mouth, even in the most hard-to-reach corners.
3] Rinse Your Mouth: It is essential to rinse your mouth after meals to wash down the loose food residues and eliminate any build-up of bacteria in the mouth.
4] Clean The Tongue: This is one of the most neglected aspects of oral hygiene. Many times, bacteria gets accumulated on the surface of the tongue, which can lead to several dental concerns such as bad breath. Thus, it is very essential to clean the tongue after brushing & flossing, in order to ensure thorough oral care.
5] Regular Visits To Dentists: Schedule visits to your dental professional at least twice every year for regular checkups and examinations of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to guide you in preventing any dental concern at the early stage if required.