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Can My Broken Tooth Be Saved ?

Oct 05, 2024

Can My Broken Tooth Be Saved ?

A broken tooth can be an alarming and painful experience, but the good news is that the latest technology in the field of oral health offers various solutions to save it. Whether your tooth broke due to an injury, decay, or another reason, there are several treatments available to repair its function and appearance. Here is a thorough look at what can be done to save a broken tooth.

  1. Dental Bonding : For minor chips or breaks, dental bonding is a quick and effective solution. The dentist applies a tooth-colored resin to the damaged area, shapes it to match your natural tooth, and then hardens it with a special light. This method is ideal for front teeth or small breaks.

  2. Dental Veneers : Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front surface of the teeth. They are a great option for front teeth with larger breaks or chips. Veneers not only enhance the tooth’s appearance but also provide additional strength.

  3. Dental Crowns : For more extensive damage, a dental crown (or cap) might be necessary. Crowns cover the entire tooth, providing protection and restoring its shape and function. They are typically made from porcelain, metal, or a combination of both.

  4. Root Canal Therapy : If the damage extends into the pulp (the inner part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels), root canal therapy may be required. This treatment involves removing the damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the canal, and then sealing it. After a root canal, a crown is usually placed over the tooth to regain its strength and appearance.

  5. Dental Implants : In cases where the tooth cannot be saved, a dental implant might be the best option. This involves removing the broken tooth and replacing it with an artificial tooth attached to a titanium post implanted into the jawbone. Dental implants are durable and function like natural teeth but also a bit expensive on the other hand.

With advancements in dental technology, most broken teeth can be effectively treated and restored. If you experience a broken tooth, consult with your dentist as soon as possible to explore the best treatment options for your specific situation. No matter the option you chose, taking care of your teeth is now much easier. Include the best electric toothbrush and dental flosser by ORACURA®. Enjoy the luxury of various flosser tips such as orthodontic tip, implant tip and pocket tip. Take a step towards your health today and give your teeth the dental spa like feeling they deserve.